
Indigenous people around the globe are very connected to the land. It seems that Western society is the only one disconnected (less the handful of tree hugging hippies and outdoor activists sprinkled among them). True lovers of the land understand that we don’t need to heal the earth, she’s fine.. It’s us.. We need the healing.

George Helm quote


“Racism is here forever. It’s in the blood cuz white folks owned us and they will never get over it cuz imma tell you why… Getting away wasn’t a chapter. We tricked they ass.. We got away. And they ain’t goin never be the same”. ~Paul Mooney on white America


You don’t get to voice your white supremacy without repercussions. And when I do call you on it, you don’t then get invited to my table for further discussion. I already see your ignorance disguised as sudo academia.. Regurgitating what this oppressive system has force fed us ..fvck outta here with that nonsense.

We are one Bad ass Muthas

A beautiful gathering of talented Women presented at Oakland Terminal Art Gallery, March 12 2016

12419235_10208963088693740_6253739604893526258_oBlessings to the Space, honoring the 4 corners
12828960_10208963106414183_7999655253316728458_oFor the children who have died at the hands of police violence
11950364_10208963103974122_3931026714650678421_o“I carry your heart” Tribute


10582896_10208963939755016_3559634621919850642_oThe corner front room exhibit, featuring B&W Photography, by mother and daughter… Malia and Oni (left) and 3D collage by members of Loco Bloco (right)
12828509_10208963951755316_7456492111301973922_oAmara & Company Blessing


the thing about violence here in amerikkka, it’s nothing new. I mean, a group of white foreigners land on Plymouth rock and declare an occupied territory as their own.. Really? As if anyone of color could arrive at the shores of Europe and commit a similar land grab and not be in war.
The USA is seeped in violent tendencies because the original colonizers vibrated from that energy; which is unfortunate considering they met some of the wisest people to walk this earth. AND instead of breaking bread the proper way, these foreigners tried to kill off the original inhabitants, stole their land, and then enslaved Africans for forced labor and ridicule. Turtle Island has never recovered…



Truth telling is some powerful magic.
As I age I see how the positivity of it, no matter how painful the lesson, influences my life.. from personal relationships between a lover or a family member to a wider scale reach within social justice work. I find that my truth may not be yours and that’s ok. We can agree to disagree…



I find that when I am silent about an issue, most times then not, I’m biting my tongue to not embarrass the other.. almost to help them save face when I should make it a teachable moment. Earlier today, a white man sleeping and taking up 2 seats on BART barked at an elder sista when she asked to sit down. The other white folk looked at him with disgust but no one said anything; no one checked their Tribe. I spoke up, offering my seat to her and couldn’t help calling him an asshole, but more out of an observation then a confrontation. Later another man, this time a brotha, asked me for a cigarette to engage me and then proceeded to share a graphic sex scene that he just watched. Really??


Final Thoughts: Rise Up & Fight Back

In the state of emergency that we all live in these days, fighting police brutality, gentrification, white supremacy …it’s a wonder that our health isn’t taking more of a beating; or is it? This is a call out for each of us to take the time to breathe in goodness and breathe out negativity. ‪#‎fuckgentrification‬ ‪#‎fuckdisplacement‬ ‪#‎fuckgreed‬ and be ashamed at the blatant disrespect towards the original inhabitants of North amerikkka…the true Indigenous.

12552769_10204086053071981_4094209107856325433_n artist: Oscar Guillen

Squashing that Divide and Conquer mentality

Race is a touchy subject to discuss here in amerikkka because of the damage done by the original immigrants to this land. It continues to divide us. POC on one side, white people on the other and in the middle sits the white allies AND non-whites who choose to be socially unconscious. Discussion can be hard but it is so necessary if we are ever going to tear this corrupt system down. And we will.

As Terisa Siagatonu shares:
“Yes, the Polynesian Panthers was an actual organization that stood for Native Hawaiian/Pacific Islander unity by resisting anti-blackness and white supremacy. Yes, they modeled themselves after the Black Panthers. Yes, our people have forgotten about these shared struggles. But we have the power to remember and reclaim. Know history, know self. #BlackLivesMatter #OceaniaForJustice”

what white folk say

what white folk say

You’d be surprised the shit good intention white folk say to People of Color.. some of it blatant, some subtle but all of it out of pocket and in need of quick acknowledgment and correction. I think too long we’ve ignored these slights and for various reasons (maybe not to embarrass said white person, or not to make situation awkward for ourselves, or maybe we just don’t have the energy to teach yet another, etc) but it is our duty to help them understand that what they say is offensive. Ignorance is not bliss. So here are some examples from a few years back that should be studied and then removed from all dialogue…