Josue Rojas: Muralist


Q#1: Are you a Bay Area Native? and if not, how long have you lived in the Bay? Josué: I was raised in San Francisco, the Mission District—it raised me since age 1. I was born in San Salvador, EL Salvador. I’m a hybrid and I claims both.

Q#2: When did you start on the creative path you are currently on? Josué: I’ve done art since before I could write. I took it seriously when my dad died. I was 15. That same year I met Estria Miyashiro and the Precita Eyes Mural Arts center community. Estria became my sensei. My participation and development in mural arts 1)Gave me a place to funnel my pain, frustration and ambition. 2) Gave me ‘triller’ education in painting than I would later have in art school. 3) Kept me out of the violent mindset that was rampant in my neighborhood at the time— the 8’s & 90’s were crazy in SF. 4) Gave me a strong identity early on and opened my consciousness.

I now create art and public art initiatives that push this very idea.

Q#3: Where do you find your inspiration? Josué: I am a communicator. I use the tools of art, murals, media to get across what needs to be said. I feel that the best case scenario is when I can dig deep and speak to something that’s relevant/needs saying.

Q#4: What was the first piece of vinyl you ever purchased? Josué: Miles Davis. Kind of Blue. After that, Pharcyde- Bizarre Ride II.

Q#5: Anything else you’d like to share? Josué: As a journalist/Artist, my philosophy is “The ugly truth is the greatest beauty.” The disclaimer: We can change “the truth” through our actions.

Rest in Power Kevin Weston

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